
Our Honorable Rector Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat met with the students of our School

14.10.2022 13:36

Our Honorable Rector Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat met with the students of our School

The meeting held in the conference hall of our school was attended by the Director of the School, Dr. Instructor Member Ahmed Galip HALİDİ, Deputy Principals, School Secretary, Academic and administrative staff and students attended.
Dear Rector gave information to the students about the physical facilities, social, cultural and sportive activities of our University and School. In his speech, Polat said, “We are like a family with you. I am speaking to you as a brother and father. There are many great opportunities that our university offers you. Leave here with a lot of things for yourself. Time is not the same as before, you have to constantly renew yourself and learn constantly. Open different fields for yourself and continue your life with academic awareness. We want to see you cling to life. University should not be finished as it started, one should improve himself, especially try to learn a language.” made statements.

In the meeting, which was in a conversational atmosphere, our Rector gave advice and advice to the students by giving examples from his own life. The meeting ended after a question and answer session.