

19.12.2023 10:32


PUKO Cycle
Our University and Vocational School have adopted the PUKÖ cycle management system and effectively implement this system in the fields of leadership, management, quality, education-training, research-development and social contribution. In this context, quality assurance processes are organized and carried out through relevant documents, trainings and meetings. While the evaluation of the process is carried out through unit and program reports, correspondence and meetings, necessary corrections are made where necessary. Our University's 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, mission, vision and targets have been determined, and SWOT analysis and PDCA cycle have been developed. In order to ensure the effective functioning of the processes, Unit Job Descriptions, Work Flow Diagrams and Public Service Standards Table were prepared and these documents were shared and implemented. Additionally, our programs prepare their own Activity and Self-Assessment Reports every year. Faculty management also prepares and publishes Administrative Activity, Program Self-Evaluation and Unit Internal Evaluation Reports on an annual basis.
KİDR processes implemented in our Vocational School clearly reveal the areas in which the institution needs to be improved as a result of internal evaluation. Practices in these determined areas are monitored and relevant reports are prepared every year. These reports are an indicator of the self-improving structure of the institution and provide guidance for external evaluations. Sub-units of our institution carry out quality management processes and various internal and external evaluation practices in accordance with our vision, mission and goals. Findings obtained from self-assessment studies and other quality-related issues are discussed and decisions are made at Quality Assurance System meetings. External audits are carried out by independent auditors and the results are reviewed at management meetings. Thus, continuous improvement activities within the framework of the PDCA cycle enable the institution to achieve its goals, allowing new targets, strategies and road maps to be determined and audited.
In our Vocational School, all units increase the quality of service by implementing practices such as the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) and the Bologna Process. Services are provided for internal and external stakeholders, training seminars, meetings and surveys are organized. Unit managers, academic and administrative staff carry out the practices determined to ensure unity of goal in accordance with the strategic plan. Internal meetings and satisfaction surveys are organized for academic and administrative staff, and the obtained data are converted into reports.
With this approach, the planning and management approach of our Vocational School is supported by a PDCA cycle suitable for higher education. These principles are applied in the following cyclical process:
Planning: Planning to determine new strategic direction or improve existing practices,
Implementation: Implementing the plan and tracking the results according to predetermined criteria,
Control: Performance measurement and comparison with targets,
Measure: Making improvements based on evaluation results and preserving good practices.

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