
Visit to Our District Kırkgöze Kindergarten

27.12.2023 07:17

Visit to Our District Kırkgöze Kindergarten

Our Vocational School continues its visits to regional village schools from the Child Care and Youth Services Department. In this context, a visit was made to Bulanık Kırkgöze Kindergarten. Assoc. Dr. Organized by İsmail DÖNMEZ, second grade students of the Child Development Program carried out games, experiments and drama activities in the classrooms within the scope of the 'Child and Play' course practices. During this visit, our students had the opportunity to reinforce their applied knowledge regarding the development and education of children. The event was both a practical learning opportunity for our students and a fun and educational experience for the children at the village school. At the end of the event, our students presented the designs they developed to the students. We would like to thank the District Director of National Education, Yalçın Tuncel, and the Director of the Institution, Yasemin Karakaya, for their support in carrying out the event.